Get Your MCA Number Plates Now

Effective on 24 November 2010(Wednesday), the tender for car license plates bearing registration numbers from MCA1 to MCA9999 is open to public. Previously, there is a hoo-hah saying MCA(the second largest political party in Malaysia) car license plates is ONLY reserve for MCA members. Good new, this Malacca registration plate number is not for MCA […]

RM150,000 for Registration Number TAX 1| JPJ Car Tender Registration Number

Are You Pretty Obsessed With the Car Registration Numbers? . How Much You Would Pay for a Nice Car Plate Number? . About RM500.00? . About RM8,000.00? . About RM99,000.00? . No! . There are some Malaysians who bid RM200,000.00 just to get  the registration number TAN 1!