Winner of Car Plate WWW

The result of the most much-sought-after vehicle registration number plate WWW was release today at Road Transport Department(JPJ/RTD) website. The information available are the winner car plate number, name, ic number and bid price.

According to a car dealer, he never expected the bid to be so high and CRAZY.

Some of the bidder even bid more than 10 times of the usually winning bidding amount.

It’s hot because “WWW” prefix, stands  for “World Wide Web”.


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Facebook Call Warrant by AmBank

Facebook Inc (FB.O), the social networking giant, just make a debut at Nasdaq on last Friday(18/5/2012) which open at $38(RM118.94) issue price.

As at today, the stock price has drop to $34.03 which the closing price has sank 11 percent in its second day of trading.

Welcome to the world of emotional trading!

Since Facebook’s shares are not be readily accessible to Malaysia investors, Ambank has issue  a call warrant on  Facebook.


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SKMM Maxis Internet Broadband | Prepaid Broadband Maxis SKMM

SKMM Maxis is available to those who received netbook SKMM 1 Malaysia under ‘Pek Projek Komputer 1Malaysia’. It’s a prepaid Internet Broadband that uses Maxis’s network.

It’s not available for sales to the individual. However ‘Pek Projek Komputer 1Malaysia’ broadband starter packs was sold in most online forum for RM60-RM100.


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