Stock Performance Guide Malaysia | Dynaquest

There are over 1,000 of Public Listed Companies(PLC) in the Bursa Malaysia.

How do you select a stock to invest in?

Do you use Technical Chart and Fundamental Analysis?

Some just takes the easy way by listening to rumour or tips. Most of the time, the horses mouth tips is not reliable as it has passed so many medium.

It’s a fact that 80% of stock market players lose money!


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RM8 Brokerage Rates for Online Trading |Hong Leong Investment Bank

Are you still looking for the lowest brokerage rates in town for Stock Trading?

Each broker in town are trying to increase their client base by offering the lowest brokerage rates.

I am now trading with Hong Leong Investment Bank because it offer minimum brokerage at RM8 per contract and lower brokerage at 0.10% flat for all transactions.

Hong Leong Investment Bank

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Chua Soi Lek vs Lim Guan Eng Debate Round 2

This was an interesting debate between MCA’s Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and DAP’s Lim Guan Eng.

The video below consist of about two-hour of debate that was organised by the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Asli) on July 8 2012 at the Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre.

Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek  talks about Stock Market…LOL…He didn’t know that  our stock market is heavy manipulated(prop up) by local funds?

It was reported EPF alone traded over 60% volume traded in Bursa Malaysia.

I think the rakyat is wise enough to judge who has present a more beneficial national policy for the rakyat.

Soi Lek vs Guan Eng

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