Archive for October, 2012
Press Statements by Bank Negara Malaysia on Genneva Malaysia
This is the latest update by Bank Negara Malaysia(BNM) on joint raids conducted by enforcement agencies on companies suspected of conducting illegal investment schemes using gold. There are in total of four companies suspected of conducting illegal investment schemes using gold; Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Pageantry Gold Bhd, Caesar Gold Sdn Bhd and Worldwide Far […]
Erotic blogger Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee in Sumptuous Erotica
There are many topic to blog about. One of them is on Sex. By posting videos and photos onĀ Sex, your blog will get instant huge volume of volume and attract massive view. Erotic blogger, Alvin Tan Jye Yee posted some erotic pictures and videosĀ in a blog called Sumptuous Erotica and become instantly viral.