Archive for June, 2011
Sales Closing Techniques | Skills That All Sales and Marketing People Should Have
This’s a good sales video that contain a lot of Sales Closing technique which include AIDA model. AIDA is an acronym of the model used in all sales and marketing communications. A= grab the prospect’s “ATTENTION” instantly I=create “INTEREST” by providing some useful and meaningful information D=create “DESIRE” by offering something they want OR helping […]
MSM Malaysia Holdings Berhad Initial Public Offerings | IPO
MSM Malaysia Holdings Bhd will be listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on 28th June 2011 at RM3.38(Issue Price). It’s expected to raise RM2.4 billion and plans to acquire land in the Asean region for sugarcane planting in order to ensure availability of sugar. This is in line with MSM Malaysia Holdings Bhd […]